Saturday, 22 March 2014

DMRC recruitment 2014- Train Operator (SC/TO),Jr. Engineer in various disciplines

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a joint venture company with equity participation from Government of India and Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi is invited applications from Indian nationality for the following category of Non-Executive posts in DMRC:

Station Controller/T rain Operator (SC/T O): 98 Posts (UR-51 , OBC-26, SC-1 4, ST-07 , Ex S-1 4*)
Custom er Relations Assistant (CRA): 234 Posts (UR-1 20, OBC-63, SC-34, ST-1 7 , Ex S-33*)
Jr.Engineer/ Electrical: 89 Posts (UR-46, OBC-24, SC-1 3, ST-06, Ex S-1 2*)
Jr.Engineer/ Electronics: 1 36 Posts (UR-7 0, OBC-36, SC-20, ST-1 0, Ex S-1 9*)
Jr.Engineer/ Mechanical: 35 Posts (UR-1 9, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-02, Ex S-05*)
Jr.Engineer/Civil: 32 Posts (UR-1 8, OBC-08, SC-04, ST-02, Ex S-04*)
Maintainer: 57 0 Posts

Train Operator (SC/T O): Three y ears Engineering Diploma in Electrical/Electronics or equivalent or BSC Hons (Physics/Chemistry /Maths) or BSc (Physics/Chemistry /Maths) from a Gov t. recognized University /Institute.Custom er Relations Assistant (CRA): Three/Four y ears Graduation course in any discipline from a Government Recognized University and computer literacy (Certificate in Computer Application Course of a minimum 6 weeks duration)
Jr.Engineer/ Electrical: Three years Engineering Diploma in Electrical/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University or Institute.
Jr.Engineer/ Electronics: Three years Engineering Diploma in Electronics/Electronics & Communication
/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University or Institute.
Jr.Engineer/ Mechanical: Three years Engineering Diploma in Mechanical /equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University or Institute.
Jr.Engineer/Civil: Three years Engineering Diploma in Civil/equivalent trade from a Govt.  recognized Institute or University  .
Maintainer: ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in specific trade

How to apply : Candidates are required to apply online through website only . The candidate will send one copy of “Registration Slip” duly completed as explained to reach the address given here under latest by 22-04-201 4, Ordinary Post only . their duly filled applications should reach the under mentioned address by 22/04/201 4 at the following address:

NEW DELHI- 110003
For more information click on 

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